HiBC Europe

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Users instructions

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How it works || Fees & payment methods || Users instructions || About HiBC GmbH


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How to use the services

  1. Start your application for Passport or Visa as usual at https://portal.immigration.gov.ng
  2. For payment option follow a like to www.hibceurope.com
  3. Select either visa or passport option fees:
    A) Passport €76,00
    B )Visa Single €122,00
    C) Visa Multiple €130,00
  4. Select payment option. Please give your ID, REF Nr. and your Mobile phone Nubmber/e-mail
  5. Once your payment is posted (confirmed) you will be notified through the contacts information you provided. It is very important to give a valid and correct contact phone of email
  6. As soon as you get your payment confirmation notification from HiBC, query your application at: https://portal.immigration.gov.ng
  7. Print your receipt and acknowledgement slip and proceed to the embassy you have chosen.


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